Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Keeping It Real

You can’t champion equality for your own people when you tolerate discrimination against any people because of who they are. Freedom is indivisible. You cannot grant it to some and deny it to others. It is either for everybody or it is for nobody. -- Christine Chavez, UFW

Thursday, March 15, 2007

HCRC - Hawaii Civil Rights Commission

At the HCRC, there is a commission member with the same name as the owners of my former employer's business, one Coral Wong Pietsch.

Mrs. Pietsch is a general in the U.S. Army Reserve, and an attorney, a very powerful position with ties to D.C., I'm sure. It has long been my suspicion that this may have played a roll in the lack of effort on the part of officials that has attended this matter. Each party's history I research has some relation to another, be it professional, academic, and even familial.

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